LivePulse Privacy Policy


The LivePulse application (app) that you’re about to use is intended for patients that are enrolled for the LivePlus Study. This app is developed by Vulsen Pty. Ltd and it is part of a clinical improvement initiative supported by the Charles Perkins Centre, the University of Sydney. Using this application is entirely voluntary and it will serve as a platform for you to manage your lifestyle behaviour and receive reminders for the personalised goals you create.

What Data is Collected?

The data that you enter into the app belongs to you and you may choose to share this data electronically with your healthcare team. Sharing this data electronically may assist your healthcare team to monitor your progress as well as to provide relevant feedback or encouragements. If you decide to share your data electronically with your healthcare team, the data will be uploaded and stored in a secure cloud-based server within Australia (governed under Australian laws) and will be made available for your health care team to access at any time.

The data stored within the cloud-based server is made accessible only to you and your healthcare team. No data is shared with any other third-party entities or organisation, unless required by law. By enabling the sharing of your data electronically, you agree and give permission for Vulsen to act as the data custodian, and to collect, store and share your data with your healthcare team at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney.